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A Healers Paradise

A Healers Paradise is sacred land owned in Lexington, NC.  Our project is to develop this land into its true potential.   A Healers Paradise is used for sacred ceremonies, events and experiences.

I am welcoming all helping hands, so if you have an expertise, equipment, plants, seeds, a green thumb, muscles and a love for earth, join me.

All local plants, herbs and fruit and vegetable bearing plants are welcome donations.  Take a look at the phases below and join us in developing a Healers Paradise.

Forest Path

Phase 1

Land Clearing

In this first phase we need help clearing one side of the land, making space for garden boxes and a trulis for gourd vines.

We need:


Gas or Battery operated saws, leaf blowers

Gardening Tools

Land Leveling Tools

Phase 2

Garden Boxes

I'll need your help building garden boxes! Bring your power tools and I have all the wood.  Once phase 1 is complete we will begin phase 2 and build garden boxes on the cleared land. 


Garden Shed

Phase 3


The best part! lets plant plant plant and watch the gardens grow!


Phase 4


We need gravel!  A Healers Paradise is near a Quarry, so if you have a rugged pick up truck or a dump truck lets meet at the quarry and get some gravel.

Volunteers are always needed

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