Conscious Connections
If you have landed on this page, chances are you're searching for something. You may be seeking answers, clarity, strength, tribe, etc. I can tell you this, all the answers you seek can be obtained by connecting with yourself. What I do is simply assist you in aligning yourself on all levels from your root to your crown.
It's all in you, it's always been in you ~ how exciting is that to learn!? I would not be surprised to hear that you've looked to others to direct you on this walk; and I wouldn't be surprised to hear that person/persons led you to look even more outside yourself for answers. This can lead to many steps of confusion in your journey.
Your walk is to be one of clarity and your walk is to be based on a conscious connection from Root to Crown.
Private Ceremony
I hold sacred space for you privately. This one on one ceremony is available specifically for any who are grieving. Grief takes many forms, whether it be loss of your old self, a job, a lifestyle and a friendship/relationship. I hold space for all grieving *especially Angel Moms.
I also welcome those seeking Release, seeking to Reclaim, seeking Celebration.
One on One Conscious Connections include:
Angel Mom Ceremony
Crowned & Waisted
Sacred Hair Ceremony
Release Ceremony
Grief Ceremony
Crowning Ceremony
Celebration Ceremony
Fairy Celebrations
Sacred Baths with Agbe Tsiwo [Life Waters]
Your private ceremony is intuitively based on your consultation form.
Complete Yours Today
Group/Tribe Experiences
I cherish the enchanting moments when kindred spirits unite in shared conscious harmony. From the regal gatherings of Crowned & Waisted to the embrace of New Moon and Full Moon energies and the sanctity of Sacred Rituals,so many opportunities await for us to meet, evolve, and intertwine our destinies. Embrace the call to gather, to flourish, together.
Welcome to Root to Crown Alignment
This coaching service is open to anyone seeking to find their place in this world. This alignment is presented in a 7 part series focused on helping you tap into your seven energy centers, from your root to your crown.
Connecting with your energy centers will aid you in discovering your unique superpower, clarifying your path, defining your purpose and aligning with YOUR specific walk.
The Journaling Experience
On every Full Moon, we embark on a 30-day Journaling Experience (until the next full moon). This unique experience requires daily journaling right after waking up. Spending at least 3 minutes writing is crucial for connecting with your purpose, as it helps eliminate any unnecessary thoughts that may hinder your goals. The morning ritual of journaling can be likened to a "dump" - a release of mind, body, and soul. Our physical and spiritual selves work tirelessly while we rest, and writing upon waking helps clear any lingering residue.
Join us for the next Full Moon.