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The Enchanted Life of SoulFlower ~ Welcome to my Blog

Updated: Nov 28, 2022

Hi there SoulFlowers!

I'm going to take a crack at this blog thing. I have a lot of thoughts that are too big for social media and too personal yanno? This life journey is toooooo much for social media and social media is becoming too much for me. My brain needs the break, social media is a sneaky little device that aims to seep into our thought patterns; and you can end up losing yourself and the waters of your purpose can become murky.

Today, here and now, I'm starting with the actual HERE and NOW and her name is Fiona. I am in yet another transition in this journey...wait wait wait!!! Here and Now means honoring today because it's my Sun's birthday!! 24 years ago I birthed an entire hueman ~Tyler Kani' I love you to life and lifetimes.

The Enchanted Life of SoulFlower is unfolding and it's happening fast. I'm in yet another transition on this journey and SoulFlower is literally moving forward to a vision that was set in motion a minimum of 3 years ago. I attended a healing event in Atlanta and met some magnificent beings, but one of the opening exercises was to draw our vision of our future. I drew the ocean or sea ~ a large body of water, basically a beach, ok? I drew my home, I drew myself and my Mannnnnn (although i was dating someone, he wasn't the man I drew); I drew Tyler and his boo; I drew a separate building ~ a healing house. Outside of the healing house was a circle of women and we were having ceremony. There was a garden and a path outside to the water as well. Above was Aniya, watching over all of this.

I also, in the past 3 years knew my love was coming, my partner, my Mannnnnnnn, I knew I wouldn't walk this path alone, just wasn't sure of the when he was coming. I knew my business would evolve into helping people have healing moments. I show love by holding space for beings to simply BE and connect.

I knew that I would have more than one location. I knew there would be an island retreat make that island retreatS.

Recently, I thought it would be a good idea to speed up my manifestations, right? Because why be patient and flow with the energy of the Universe, that would be too simple. That being said, I began using the element of water intentionally. Water is a strong element and can be used to aid in the flow of your desires....ok? Follow me now, that being said the elements have their own individual flow, and I decided it best to use HURRICANE water to speed things up a bit. You read that right HURRICANE water!!! And i put that water in everything, in my personal Altar Spray, in my mop water, in my house cleaner!! Of all the waters, I used a hurricane, and as a result this portion of my journey is viciously rugged and hard and painful.

I was forced to move from my home of 11 years, also known as the SoulFlower Sacred Garden. I was devastated, I thought God was sick of me, I thought I did something wrong, I thought I was forsaken, seriously. I spent a lot of time in the bed crying...and honestly was there any time for that??? Not only was I forced to relocate i was given very little time ~ add to the fact that due to health reasons I had to stop working this year...............OMG!!! To say I was scared, is an understatement. Then I stopped. I stopped. I breathed. I meditated. I prayed. I remembered, all of these happenings are in alignment with my purpose and are my manifestations, manifesting. The reason they happened with such wild force, is because I used wild force in my work.

This is when I met and welcomed Fiona. She told me her name in a dream. I wont reveal her just yet, but soon.

More Newness

When you get a moment check out my new Services/Bookings for your virtual sessions ~ yes honey we can Zoom now.

Until We Chat Again

Remember You are the Altar ~ Act Accordingly


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